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The Z to A of Life

B for Bite-sized Chunks

19 minutes | Monday, 6 November 2023

Join Jules and Mark and find out why breaking tasks down into bite-sized chunks, will help to relieve stress and increase productivity.

There's an age-old phrase that asks, 'How do you eat an elephant? You break it down into bite-sized chunks!' OK, we're not into eating elephants but this principle would apply to anything if you want to achieve a goal. To climb a mountain, you'd take one step at a time, to pass an exam, you'd study one day at a time and even to eat your favourite meal, you'd enjoy that one bite at a time.

All of our tools are available in bite-sized chunks too. Go to our website, and, why not stop by the shop and get a copy of the Z to A of Life Skill book, Don't Get Your Neck Tattooed. This is also available on Amazon.

B for Bite-sized Chunks
The Z to A of Life

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